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The World’s Happiest Country is Launching an Exclusive Online Masterclass on Happiness

Finland, the country that has held the title of the world’s happiest nation for six consecutive years, is set to share its secrets to joy and contentment. This summer, the nation will launch a unique online ‘Masterclass of Happiness’, aimed at teaching people the art of ‘Finnish happiness’ and helping them ‘find their inner Finn’.

The World Happiness Report, which combines personal assessments of happiness with economic and social data, has consistently placed Finland at the top of its rankings. Now, the country is ready to share its happiness skills with the world through this innovative masterclass.

Masterclass Themes

The free masterclass will delve into four key themes: nature and lifestyle; health and balance; design and everyday life; and food and wellbeing. The course aims to guide participants towards a balanced way of life, helping them achieve happiness the Finnish way.

In addition to the online course, fourteen lucky individuals are receiving happiness tuition in person, free of charge. These participants were selected from a staggering 150,000 applicants from 190 countries, following Finland’s global call-out.

The in-person, four-day masterclass, organised by the Finnish tourist board, is currently underway at the luxurious Kuru Resort in Finnish Lakeland. The resort, surrounded by fragrant pine forests and offering breath-taking views, features luxurious villas designed with a strong connection to nature. Each villa also boasts its own spa and sauna, adding to the overall experience.

Sharing the Finnish Keys to Happiness

Heli Jimenez, Senior Director of International Marketing at Business Finland, commented on the Masterclass in Happiness, stating, “As the world’s happiest nation, we are keen to share our special keys to happiness that make the Finnish lifestyle so unique.”

Jimenez further explained that the Finnish style of happiness stems from a down-to-earth lifestyle and a close relationship with nature. She emphasised that happiness is a skill that can be learned and shared, rather than a mystic state. The masterclass is a testament to this belief, welcoming participants to the beautiful Finnish Lakeland to discover their inner happiness.


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