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The most spectacular photo of UFO, or a glimpse of the top-secret Aurora spy plane program

A glimpse of the top-secret Aurora spy plane program or the most spectacular UFO photo ever taken

Two young men were employed as chefs in a hotel on August 4, 1990, in Pitlochry, a lovely town in Scotland’s Highland Perthshire region that is close to the Cairngorms National Park.

After working in a warm kitchen all day, they decided to take a walk in the hills at 9 o’clock that evening. To get there, they traveled 13 miles north on the A9 to Calvine, a location near the Cairngorms.

They hadn’t traveled very far when they noticed a massive, solid, diamond-shaped object, about 100 feet long, hovering silently above them.

They hid in some bushes out of fear and peered up.

In 1990, RAF Leuchars in Fife had two squadrons of Tornado fighters on 24-hour standby to intercept Russian intruder aircraft. Minutes later, they heard the scream of a jet aircraft heading north.

The jet returned and circled the object before resuming its original course, as though the pilot had also spotted it and had returned for a closer look.

Finally, the two men emerged with their cameras from cover and fired six frames.

The object then suddenly shot straight up into the sky before vanishes far, far above.

They submitted their photos to the Daily Record, one of Scotland’s top publications, after becoming convinced they had just witnessed a UFO.

The newspaper gave the Ministry of Defence the photos, but no story was ever published.

The images simply disappeared after that, along with the two young chefs.

Here, for the first time, the missing image was revealed—a picture that one MoD insider referred to as the most spectacular UFO image ever taken and the Holy Grail in terms of concrete proof that such objects actually do exist.

The MoD and The National Archives made every effort to conceal the image.

Despite the fact that the information should have been made public after 30 years, the Ministry withheld the original photograph and wants to keep the witnesses’ identities secret for an additional 54 years, or until 2076, due to “privacy concerns.”

I first learned about the enigmatic “Calvine file”—as the missing photo and report of that incident at Calvine became known—many moons ago as a university lecturer and investigative reporter who has spent three decades immersed in the field of UFOlogy. I have spent the last 13 years assiduously looking for the pictures the men took.

What became of the file, who were the men who captured the UFO’s image, and how and why is it so-

Kurzfassung der Nokia-News:

In August 1990, two young chefs photographed what they thought was a UFO while walking near the Carigorms in Scotland and took the pictures to a newspaper The paper passed them on to the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Then, the photographs vanished – along with the two young chefsNow, after 32 years, the photograph is revealed – despite the MOD and The National Archives doing their utmost to keep it hidden until 2076 because of ‘privacy concerns’Retired RAF officer Craig Lindsay, now 83, broke protocol and kept a copy of one of the pictures inside his copy of Great Aircraft Of The World in his desk But is this picture, in fact, the first glimpse of America’s fabled, top-secret Aurora spy plane program?Since the mid-1980s, there had been rumours of a silent, supersonic, geometrically shaped craft, used for spy missionsThere have never been substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, but there have been numerous unexplained sightings and incidents in both the US and the UK that fuelled the myth


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