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Study: Double vaccinated 3 times less likely to get coronavirus

People who have received both doses of their coronavirus vaccine are three times less likely to get infected with COVID-19, a latest UK study has found.

The Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT-1) study, one of the UK’s largest studies into COVID-19 infections in the country, reported that infections in England have increased four-fold from 0.15 per cent to 0.63 per cent since the last REACT-1 report, which covered the period from May 20 to June 7.

However, its results did show a slowdown in infections since July 12.

Analysis by Imperial College London and Ipsos MORI, which had over 98,000 volunteers taking part in the study in England between June 24 and July 12, suggests double vaccinated people are also less likely to pass on the virus to others.


Gulf News

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