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Stranded expats from Saudi, Kuwait get free accommodation in UAE

With Saudi Arabia and Kuwait closing borders and shutting airports to prevent the new strain of coronavirus, several expats travelling to those countries from their home countries are stuck in the UAE after their quarantine period.

Free accommodation is being offered to many such expats who took the indirect route of flying via the UAE to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait since there were no direct flights from their home countries. Around 300 stranded passengers will receive this help. They were caught off guard with the news about flight suspensions in their countries of residence, after finishing a 14-day mandatory quarantine in hotels and other paid accommodation in the UAE.

Dubai Markaz Centre’s volunteers’ wing Indian Cultural Foundation (ICF) tied up with construction firm Aasa Group to arrange the free accommodation and food to passengers who did not have the means to continue their stay in the UAE after finishing quarantine, said Dr. Abdul Salam Saquafi, public relations manager at the entity.


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