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Sri Lanka Suspends Sending Domestic Workers to Kuwait

Sri Lanka’s manpower development companies that recruit and send Sri Lankan domestic workers to foreign countries have halted sending labourers to Kuwait, according to local sources. The sources said that a new decision was expected on the issue as Sri Lanka is waiting for a labour agreement with Kuwait that will include conditions and rules to bring in Sri Lankan helpers to Kuwait. They said the Sri Lankan side wants Kuwait to reconsider the salaries of domestic helpers and increase their minimum wage, in addition to giving eligible leave for each labourer.

41 offices suspended

Meanwhile, the tripartite committee (Interior, Commerce ministries and Public Authority for Manpower) said that on the first day of implementing the ministerial decision with regards to domestic help offices to use the K-Net in collecting fees, six violations were recorded, and the offices were suspended for six months. The inspection team also discovered 35 domestic help offices that do not have K-Net machines in violation of Commerce Ministry circulations. These offices were suspended and referred to investigation authorities.


Kuwait Times

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