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Spain records more than 20,000 coronavirus deaths

Spain, one of the countries worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak, has seen its death toll rise to 20,043, according to the Health Ministry’s Saturday figures.

In the last 24 hours, 565 people died, the ministry reported, 20 fewer than the previous day, said a dpa report.

Spain is the third-worst affected country in the world, according to the numbers, after the United States and Italy.

However, these figures may not relay the entire picture and the government started working on unifying how deaths are recorded and reported by each region on Friday.

Spain’s strict curfew, in place since mid-March and running to April 25, seems to be helping as the rate of transmission is slowing own, according to Fernando Simon, the head of the health emergency services (CCAES).

He expects the numbers to fall even more steeply in the coming days, he said on Saturday.

Over the past 24 hours, there have been 4,500 new infections, bringing the total to nearly 192,000. The infection growth rate has fallen to 2.4 per cent, from highs of 20 per cent.

The number of recoveries has risen by 3,000 to 75,000. The pressure on hospitals and intensive care units, which were on the verge of collapse in some regions, is also continually decreasing, according to the authorities.



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