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Saudi Arabia

Shops in Saudi Arabia extend duration of seasonal sales

Shops and malls in Saudi Arabia have been instructed to extend the duration of seasonal sales to head off shoppers’ overcrowding in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the kingdom’s Commerce Ministry has said.

“Additional seasons for reductions have been provided in a way that does not affect the sale days annually permitted for commercial enterprises,” the ministry added without details.

Shopping centres have been urged to strictly implement precautions against the coronavirus, including barring access to non-wearers of protective face masks, keeping social distancing and making sterilisers available.

Other measures include checking temperatures of the staff and customers at entrances of malls and disinfecting shopping trolleys.

Commercial enterprises failing to apply precautionary measures against COVID-19 face a fine of SR10,000 that will double in case of repetition along with shutdowns, the ministry said.

Any person engaged in an illegal gathering inside or outside the shop faces a fine of SR50,000, it added.

Saudi authorities have banned the gathering of more than 50 persons as part of measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.


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