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Shocking Moment: Live Cockroach Extracted from Woman’s Ear in Colombia

In a disturbing incident captured on video, a live cockroach was extracted from a woman’s ear in Colombia. The woman, who remains unnamed, initially dismissed the discomfort as something trivial when her ear seemed to pop. However, as the pain persisted, she suspected that there might be something trapped inside her ear and confided in her friend.

The footage shows the friend using tweezers to carefully remove the insect from the woman’s left ear at a residence in Villavicencio, located 78 miles away from Bogotá, the capital city. The unsettling clip captures the squirming movement of the cockroach as it is being extracted. Eventually, after seconds of tense anticipation, the creature is successfully removed alive.

It is unclear whether any damage was caused to the woman’s ear during this ordeal. The video was shared on TikTok and quickly garnered over two million views while eliciting strong reactions from social media users.

Commenting on this shocking incident, one user expressed their newfound fear by saying: “New fear unlocked—probably eggs in there now.” Another individual humorously remarked: “I would need a new ear.”

This unsettling occurrence brings to mind another bizarre case earlier this year when a woman sought medical attention due to experiencing an extremely unusual sensation in her genitals in Honduras. After expressing restlessness and agitation along with difficulty sleeping and describing an odd feeling within her vagina, doctors discovered a dead cockroach during examination. Promptly removing it ensured that no further harm was done before discharging the patient.

These incidents serve as reminders of how unexpected circumstances can arise even within our own bodies and highlight both human resilience and medical expertise needed to address such extraordinary situations promptly.


Daily Mail
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