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Sheikh Mohammed grants ‘Expo 2020 Dubai Medal’ to 40,000 Emiratis

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, on Sunday granted the ‘Expo 2020 Dubai Medal’ to more than 40,000 individuals who contributed to the success of the global event.

Sheikh Mohammed said, “We have granted the ‘Expo 2020 Dubai Medal’ to 40,000 Emiratis, including civilian and military personnel who played a key role in the success of the global event hosted by the UAE.”

“The global experience that our national cadres have acquired has been one of the greatest gains of Expo 2020 Dubai,” he said further. “Once again, the UAE has demonstrated its ability to impress the world and convert challenges into opportunities. Despite the challenges posed by the global pandemic, our national cadres were able to provide an exceptional experience for everyone.”

Earlier this month, Sheikh Mohammed issued Law No. (20) of 2022 amending certain clauses of Law No. (10) of 1997 pertaining to Dubai Police’s decorations, medals and badges. The amendments mention that the ‘Expo 2020 Dubai Medal’ can be awarded to both military and civilian personnel of Dubai Police as well as members of the public and military personnel from outside the Dubai Police force, who have made outstanding contributions to the success of Expo 2020 Dubai.


Gulf Today

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