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Sharjah to ban single-use plastic bags from January 2024

Sharjah will ban single-use plastic bags and materials from January 1, 2024, it was announced on Tuesday. In preparation for the move, from October 1 this year, sales outlets in the emirate will charge consumers 25 fils for each single-use plastic bag they ask for.

From January 1, 2024, it will be prohibited to trade, produce, offer or import single-use plastic bags and materials in the emirate. According to a resolution issued by the Sharjah Executive Council, environmentally-friendly alternatives and multi-use bags will be provided to shoppers.

Authorities will ensure that the use of multi-use bags is governed by sustainability standards. These bags will be subject to technical specifications approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs.

Sales outlets are also required to inform consumers about the 25-fil tariff, raise their awareness about risks and guide them to use alternatives. Stores are also required to reduce the consumption of such bags.


Khaleej Times

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