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Sharjah students required to take COVID-19 test before campus return

All students, teachers and staff of private schools in Sharjah must test negative for Covid-19 before in-person classes begin in the new term. This is among the several guidelines spelt out by the Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) for reopening schools from August 30.

The document states that no student, teacher or staff member will be allowed to physically join the school before testing negative for Covid-19. “School principals should be aware of the Covid-19 test schedule, which would impact their operational reopening plan. This might result in teachers, staff and students joining their school in batches.”

Last month, the Ministry of Education had said that a Covid-19 test is mandatory for students and teachers returning to campus. Following this, the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (Adek) had also made the requirement mandatory for all students, teachers and non-teaching staff.


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