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Shaikh Nasser: Convicts With Unpaid Fines to be Supported

Shaikh Nasser issued his directives to the Coordination and Follow-up Committee of “Feena Khair” campaign to support convicts with unpaid fines who are facing financial problems. The support will be provided as part of “Fael Khair” project.

The RHF Secretary General pointed out a line-up of projects adopted by HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa to serve citizens and those affected by COVID-19.

He added a budget of BD 17,43 million has been earmarked to support needy people, productive families and business owners who are not registered with the insurance system.

He noted the support also includes providing students from needy families with computers as well as contributing to the disinfection and sanitization of cities and villages, providing food baskets within “Your Food at Home” project, studying the establishment of a centre to study and treat pandemics, backing learning-at-a-distance technologies and supporting convicts with unpaid fines.


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