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Shaikh Nasser among 50 most influential personalities in cycling

Cycle News, one of the most popular websites specialised in cycling at the international level, has chosen Representative of His Majesty the King for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, National Security Advisor and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport (SCYS) His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa as one of 50 most influential personalities in cycling.

HH Shaikh Nasser came 29th among the 50 most influential personalities, a list that contained many prominent figures in cycling, including cyclists, team directors, sponsors, presidents and undersecretaries.

Choosing HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa as one of the most influential personalities in this sport came as a recognition of his dedicated efforts to develop cycling through the inauguration of Bahrain Cycling Team which was renamed later as Team Bahrain McLaren. He has also been keen on providing every support to cycling which became one of the most important sports in the Kingdom of Bahrain and brought about many international achievements.

HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa expressed utmost happiness about being among the 50 most influential personalities in cycling, pointing out that this choice confirms Bahrain’s status in this sport. He added that Team Bahrain McLaren will continue the march of success achieved over the past period by building on previous accomplishments.


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