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Saudi Arabia

Severe cold waves to hit northern parts of Saudi Arabia

Weather and climate expert Hassan Karani predicted inclement weather fluctuations with extreme sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfall in the northern parts of Saudi Arabia.

He said the Kingdom’s northern region, especially northwestern coasts and border towns of Turaif and Qurayyat, await a cold wave after the tangible movement of the violent polar mass to the south from the Levant, which is blanketed with heavy snowfall.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Misnad, founder and chairman of the Committee for Naming the Distinctive Climate Cases, expected severe cold wave lashing into the far north from Tuesday evening, and it would continue to penetrate south until the capital Riyadh on Thursday night, where its climax will be on Friday and Saturday.

Al-Misnad said that inclement weather may cause light snowfall on Wednesday and Thursday mornings in the northern and southern Tabuk region, expecting the permanent snow line to drop to 1,000 meters, especially over Al-Lawz Mountains or Almond Mountains in northwestern Tabuk on Wednesday.

Al-Misnad indicated that the perceived temperatures will fall over the peaks of the Al-Lawz Mountains to about 22 degrees sub-zero, while the normal temperature will be10 degrees below zero, on Wednesday evening, and the maximum temperature at noon will be minus one degree.


Saudi Gazette

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