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Several High-Ranking Officials Reportedly Killed in Sudan Clashes

Several high-ranking officials have been killed in clashes that erupted between the Sudanese military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) group, according to reports. Up until Sunday morning, a total of four senior officials from both sides have been killed.

These include North Darfur RSF Sector Commander Major General Al-Nour al-Baka, West Darfur RSF commander Major General Abu Shouk, Commander of the General Command Force of the Sudanese Army, Brigadier General Jamal Jaber, and commander of the army base in Jabal Awliya, Brigadier General Mutawakkil Siddiq.

RSF, however, then denied that its officials in north and west Darfur were killed in the clashes, it was later reported. Clashes between both sides erupted on Saturday killing scores of combatants and at least 56 civilians.

The military and RSF, which analysts say is 100,000 strong, have been competing for power as political factions negotiate to form a transitional government after a 2021 military coup.


AlArabiya News
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