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WorldTech & Telecoms

Three Phone Call ‘Red Flags’ Too Dangerous for Android and iPhone Owners To Ignore

ANYONE who can receive phone calls should watch out for sinister warning signs. A cyber-expert has revealed “red flags” that you’re on the line with a criminal. Even users of trusted smartphones like iPhones or Android can fall victim to dangerous scam calls.

Scam calls can steal your money, or secure enough private info to defraud you. So it’s essential that you spot the clues that you’re being targeted by crooks. The U.S. Sun spoke to Dr Klaus Schenk, vice president of security at Verimatrix, who revealed the warning signs you need to look out for. “Here are some red flags to look out for during a phone call that may indicate a scam,” Dr Schenk explained.

Firstly, if the caller’s offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. “Be wary of unsolicited calls that promise you large sums of money, free vacations, or other enticing rewards.” Offering you a reward is a common scam. Typically crooks will ask you to pay some kind of processing fee upfront. Or they’ll demand personal information in exchange for the reward. It’s important to ignore these promises and verify any claims independently.

But that’s not the only warning sign to look out for. Secondly, Dr Schenk said you must also be wary of aggressive behaviour such as if “the caller seems overly aggressive, pushy, or rude. Legitimate businesses and organizations usually don’t resort to bullying or high-pressure tactics to get you to do something.”

The third warning sign is when the caller adds time pressure to a request. This is designed to make you rush into a decision without properly considering whether you’re being scammed. “The call references a time crunch and pressures you to act quickly, saying that you must act now or else,” Dr Schenk warned. “This is a common tactic scammers use to prevent you from taking the time to think through the situation and make an informed decision.”


The U.S Sun
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