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Save Soil: Indian Guru to ride into Bahrain on motorcycle from UK

Indian spiritual leader and yogi, Sadhguru will be passing through Bahrain from May 14-15. He will be travelling on his motorbike from the UK to India, as part of his global ‘Save Soil’ campaign to raise awareness on dying soil and growing desertification. He will be visiting 26 countries in his 100-day journey.

During his visit, the 64-year-old Guru will be meeting with followers, environmentalists, and media to promote soil preservation. The goal is to encourage countries to implement national policies to increase the organic matter content of cultivable soil.

Save Soil Movement: Sadhguru Kicks Off 100-Day Motorcycle Journey From London

The campaign kicked off in London on March 21 and will culminate in India after travelling 30,000kms around the globe. Its main objective is to activate the support of at least 3.5 billion people to make ecological issues a priority and empower governments to initiate policy-driven action to revitalise soil and halt further degradation.

Soil degradation is fast reaching levels that could threaten food production, climate stability and even the presence of life on this planet, says Sadhguru. A third of soil globally is degraded and more than 90% could become degraded by 2050, the UN says.

The movement is supported by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, UN Environment Programme, and World Food Programme, among others.

The Bahrain Earth Buddies have been actively spreading awareness about the movement. On 31 March, in collaboration with Bahraini artist Abbas Almosawi, the Save Soil campaign was taken to the Hand to Hand We Colour at the Karzakan forest. On 12 April, the group made an appearance at the Un-uttered Love event at the Al Aali Mall – a collaborative performance of art, poetry, and music featuring popular artists like Ali Al Bazzaz, Safa Abdulla, and Ali Al Dairi.

The movement has garnered support worldwide and from renowned personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, and will.i.am, to name a few.

For more information on the Save Soil movement and to register for the Bahrain event, visit https://savesoil.org/manama.


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