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Saudi Arabia

Saudization of three professions to come into force from December 30

The Saudization of driving schools, technical engineering, customs clearance professions will come into force starting from December 30.

The localization of customs clearance professions aims to raise the percentage of nationalization to 100% in the targeted professions, by targeting the localization of 2,000 jobs, which includes:

  • Government Relations Officer
  • General manager
  • Customs clearance clerk
  • Translator
  • Customs Categorizer
  • Customs clearance broker

For the localization of the driving schools’ professions, the monthly wage registered in the social insurance which is subject to subscription is required not to be less than the minimum wage of SR5,000 in order for the Saudi employee to be calculated within the imposed Saudization percentage.

Saudization of technical engineering professions includes all professions classified as engineering technical professions. The decision to Saudize the technical engineering professions applies to all private sector establishments in Saudi Arabia that employ 5 or more workers in the targeted technical engineering professions. Saudi technicians who receive a wage of less than SR5,000 will not be calculated in the imposed localization percentage.


Saudi Gazette
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