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Saudi Arabia

Saudisation: Top managerial positions in private sector to be localised

In a bid to Saudize 75% of top managerial positions in the private sector companies, the Shoura Council is seeking to amend a clause of an article of the labor law pertaining to the localization of jobs.

The amendment to the clause, Shoura members said, would require the private sector to draw up plans to attract and train young Saudi men and women and groom them within a specified period to ensure a smooth and systematic replacement at the top level.

The General Commission in the Shoura Council will refer the report on the matter to the Social Affairs, Family and Youth Committee for discussions at an upcoming Shoura Council session.

The proposal stressed the need for the Saudization of leadership positions in the private sector. According to them, the step has become necessary due to the availability of qualified Saudis holding local and foreign degrees.


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