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Saudi Arabia

Saudisation of Periodic Vehicle Inspection and 7 Sales Outlets To Create 17,000 New Jobs

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) announced that the Saudisation of sales outlets of seven economic activities and the first phase of the motor vehicle periodic inspection (MVPI) sector has come into force in all regions of the Kingdom on Monday, June 12.

This move would lead to the creation of a total of 17,000 jobs for Saudis.

The Ministry said that the Saudisation of the service outlets in MVPI will be implemented in two phases. Fifty per cent of jobs will be localised in the first phase while 100 per cent Saudisation will be implemented in the second phase.

Major professions that come under Saudisation in this field include site manager, assistant manager, quality manager, financial supervisor, site supervisor, track head, inspection technician, assistant inspection technician, maintenance technician, information technician, and data entry operator.

All these professions are estimated to create jobs for more than 5,000 Saudis.

The Ministry indicated that the localisation of sales outlets that came into force on Monday includes 70 per cent of jobs of the following activities.

They are: Outlets for selling security and safety equipment; outlets for selling elevators, stairs and conveyer belts; outlets for selling artificial turf and swimming pools; outlets for selling water purification equipment and navigation devices; outlets for selling catering equipment and electric vehicles; outlets for selling pneumatic weapons, hunting and trip supplies; and outlets for selling packaging equipment and tools.

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Saudi Gazette

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