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Saudi Arabia

Saudisation: Jobs in gold shops to be localised in 2022

The Ministry of Labour and Social Development will strictly enforce laws to Saudise jobs in the gold and jewellery industry from January 1, 2022, after several failed attempts over the last 16 years, local media reported.

Workers in the industry must now apply for a professional license before the decision enters into force. The ministry said about 30,000 people work in 6,000 gold shops across the Kingdom.

The ministry hopes that Saudisation of the industry would help combat tasattur or cover-up operations, where expatriates run businesses in the name of Saudis, by 40 percent. The industry is expected to provide 5,000 jobs for Saudis when the localisation programme is fully implemented.

The ministry had said gold and jewellery shops that employ foreigners will be slapped with a fine of SR20,000 for each expatriate worker.


Gulf News

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