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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Warns Imams of Mosques Against Collecting Donations

Saudi Arabia has warned imams of mosques not to collect donations for Iftar (breaking the fast) or similar projects, even if it is through donation of food baskets. Those who wish to give charity should approach the licensed charitable authorities, the ministry asserted.

The ministry also warns employees and workers of mosques not to initiate any project for providing Iftar to fasting Muslims in the mosques or the neighboring open areas across the Kingdom, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Friday.

In a statement issued on Thursday containing a number of directives for Ramadan, the ministry unveiled the projects it is carrying out during the holy month.

Any Ramadan gathering can lead to the spread of coronavirus, the Saudi Ministry of Health spokesman Dr. Mohammed Al-Abd Al-Aly said, as he reminded people about the importance of social distancing.

A total of 1,172 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the Kingdom on Friday — 25 percent Saudis and 75 percent expats — bringing the total number of cases to 15,102. There are now 12,926 active cases, 93 of which are critical.



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