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Saudi ArabiaHealth

Saudi: ‘Walking challenge’ kicks off through Sehaty app

The activities of the “Walking Challenge” competition have kicked off through the “Sehaty” application.

The competition, being implemented by the Ministry of Health (MoH), aims to cultivate the culture of walking, as the number of participants so far exceeded 300,000.

The competition mechanism includes downloading the “Sehaty” application, registering for the challenge and then working to achieve the daily goal of 8,000 steps.

 The activities of the

Every week, as many as 50 winners who have achieved the daily goal will be chosen randomly and announced on (Live Well) platform on Twitter. The total prizes are 200 for every month.

These awareness activities come as a part of the continuation of MoH’s efforts aiming to maintain the health and safety of all members of the society.


Saudi Gazette
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