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Saudi ArabiaLifestyle

Saudi: Violators of Postal Law to see fines up to SR5 million

The violators of the Postal Law and its executive regulations will have to face hefty fines amounting up to SR5 million.

Anyone who violates provisions of the law and its regulations will also be slapped with other punitive measures apart from hefty fines. These include suspension of the service of the establishment involved in the violation; suspension of the license or part of it for a period not exceeding three years, and revocation of the license.

A fine will be imposed for each day of violation if the violator continues to commit the offense after being notified about the concerned committee’s decision. The fine will also be doubled in the event of repeating the violation within a year.

Under the law, it is mandatory for providers of mail and parcel transportation services to keep in their custody those postal materials and parcels that contain materials classified as prohibited or items that violate public order or affect the country’s reputation and security, and they have to inform the competent authorities about this.


Saudi Gazette

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