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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Violator Impersonating Engineer on Social Media Imprisoned for 6 Months

The Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) has arrested a violator of the Engineering Professions Practice Law after impersonating an engineer on social media. The arrest has been conducted during the inspection campaigns carried out by the SCE’s control teams on engineering facilities in various regions of Saudi Arabia.

The secretary-general of the Saudi Council of Engineers Eng. Abdulnasser Al-Abdullatef stated that the SCE has succeeded in arresting an expatriate of Syrian nationality, who violated Article 11 of the Engineering Professions Practice Law, which is impersonating the title of engineer in social media without obtaining professional accreditation from the Council for professional practice.

The SCE has completed the legal procedure against the violator in accordance with the Engineering Professions Practice Law, then referred him to the Public Prosecution. A judicial ruling was issued to imprison the violator for a period of 6 months and a fine of SR100,000 for violating the law.

Eng. Al-Abdullatef stressed the importance for engineering establishments and individuals to adhere to applying the Engineering Professions Practice Law, which aims to protect the engineering sector from illegal practices and to follow up the procedure clarified in the law to avoid legal punishments against the violators.

He also called on everyone to report professional violations in accordance with the law through the following link: https://apps.saudieng.sa/forms/2016/Officecomplains.aspx — or via the Tawakalna services app.


Saudi Gazette
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