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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Unemployment Insurance Benefits Suspended for 7,300 Citizens Who Failed To Seek Job

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) announced on Wednesday that it has suspended disbursement of the unemployment insurance benefits to more than 7,300 beneficiaries.

They were denied disbursement of social insurance pension for the instalment of last month after it was proven that they were not serious about seeking jobs and refused the job opportunities offered to them by the Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF).

The Ministry stated that those whose pension payments have been suspended range from 18 to 40 years of age.

It noted that the fifth paragraph of Article 17 of the Social Insurance Law stipulates that the pension shall be discontinued if it is proven to the Ministry that the beneficiary who is able to work is not looking for work, or did not apply to the employment platforms approved by the Ministry, and the like, or failed to accept suitable job and training offers.


Saudi Gazette

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