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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Training Camps Launched to Qualify 187 Interior Ministry Employees in Data Science, AI

The Ministry of Interior and the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) launched several training camps in the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to qualify 187 of the Ministry’s employees at the Tuwaiq Academy headquarters in Riyadh.

This comes within SDAIA’s efforts in building the capabilities of national forces in the fields of data and AI, and qualifying them to enhance the work of the interior ministry’s security and civil sectors using the latest artificial intelligence technologies.

The camps, which will last for 3 months with a total of 480 hours, aim to provide the trainees with knowledge that would contribute to building and developing solutions and applications in the field of data and artificial intelligence.

It also aims to graduate national competencies capable of keeping pace with the rapid development in different fields related to AI and Data Science.

This comes within the framework of the support and guidance that SDAIA enjoys from the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman, who is also the Chairman of the Authority’s Board of Directors.

The camps cover several important topics in the field of data science and AI such as data mining and analysis, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, predictive analysis, and big data.

Topics also include ethics in data science and AI, introduction to data science and programming basics, data processing and exploratory data analysis, as well as planning and implementing data science projects.

It is noteworthy that these camps come within the framework of SDAIA’s care in increasing the level of national capabilities in government agencies in technological fields, especially in AI.


Saudi Gazette

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