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EnvironmentSaudi Arabia

Saudi to provide $ 10 million to confront tanker threats

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre “KSrelief” announced today that Saudi Arabia will provide $ 10 million to contribute to addressing the threats from the oil tanker “Safer” anchored off the Red Sea coast north of the Yemeni port city of Al Hudaydah.

An oil spill resulting from further deterioration of the “Safer” has the potential to cause a major environmental and navigational disaster with widespread damage to the Red Sea coast.

Fishing communities, international navigation and the delivery by ship of food, fuel and lifesaving supplies to Yemen would all be impacted, exacerbating the humanitarian situation in the region and threatening all Red Sea countries.

The Kingdom is following international developments in this regard within the framework of its broader focus upon the preservation of the most important global marine resources and ecosystems.

In order to maintain stability in Yemen and in support of UN efforts to reach solutions to all threats to international peace and security, Saudi Arabia has held several meetings with the international community to stress the need to support the operational plan to address the “Safer” tanker situation.

The $10 million that Saudi Arabia is providing today will support the efforts of UN organizations to develop an effective plan to identify and address the potential threats posed by the tanker.



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