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Saudi Arabia

Saudi to Begin Clinical Trial of Coronavirus Medication

Saudi Arabia’s Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) approved on Sunday conducting an internationally refereed clinical trial for coronavirus (COVID-19) medication in seven hospitals in the Kingdom.

The clinical trial titled “An international randomized trial of additional treatments for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients who are all receiving the local standard of care” aims to obtain reliable data related to the effectiveness and safety of a number of antivirals in treating coronavirus: Remdesivir, Chloroquine, Lopinavir with Ritonavir and Interferon Beta 1b.

The clinical trial is being conducted under the joint auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and a number of health entities in the Kingdom, under the supervision of SFDA.

There are 4,462 confirmed coronavirus cases, 59 deaths in Saudi Arabia as of Sunday, according to the ministry of health.


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