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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi thwarts 3 Captagon smuggling operations

Authorities in Saudi Arabia said they have thwarted three operations to smuggle thousands of Captagon pills at Al-Haditha port in the Kingdom’s north.

As part of its efforts to confront smuggling attempts, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority seized 302,255 Captagon pills, which were found hidden in consignments and accompanied by passengers entering the Kingdom.

The authority said that a number of consignments were subject to customs procedures and examined through security various techniques, including sniffer dogs, and the tablets were found hidden in different ways.

It said during the first operation, 261,630 Captagon pills were seized that were hidden inside a truck’s fuel tank. The authority added that the port was also able to thwart a second smuggling attempt after finding 31,325 Captagon pills hidden inside medical braces that the smuggler was wearing around his body. The third operation seized 9,300 pills hidden them in stone frescoes.



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