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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Ten mosques closed due to positive cases among staff, worshippers

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance announced that it has closed 10 mosques in a number of regions of the Kingdom following reports of coronavirus cases among worshipers and mosque employees.

The department for Mosques, Call and Guidance in the Al-Dalam governorate was also shut down after the director of the department and six employees were infected with the virus.

The ministry said in a report on Monday that within two days it shut down five mosques in the Riyadh region, of which three in the Horaimilah governorate, and one each in Al-Aflaj and Al-Dalam. The closed mosques include three in the Northern Border region and one each in the Al-Mandaq governorate in Al-Baha region and in Dammam in the Eastern Province.

The ministry said that the period of closure for sterilization will range between 24 hours and 48 hours.

The mosques will be reopened for worshipers after authorities ensure their fitness to receive worshipers following the sterilization process. In the event of infection of imam or muezzin, substitute imam and muezzin will be assigned to carry out the task, according to the statement.

The ministry sought the cooperation of citizens and residents, asking them to report any violations or laxity in applying precautionary measures by calling the toll free number 1933.


Khaleej Times

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