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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Temporary Housing for Expat Workers in Dammam

Dammam 2nd Industrial City has started working on establishing temporary housing to receive expatriate workers.

Dammam 2nd Industrial City features a residential area for factory workers comprising 202 residential buildings spanning one million square meters and accommodating approximately 25,000 workers.

Workers suspected of being infected with the coronavirus will be transferred to the temporary housing along with individuals who interacted with them, where they will be tested by the Ministry of Health. Afterwards, positive cases will be isolated and quarantined in the designated hospital, while negative cases will be returned to their homes.

At the housing which spans 10,000 square meters, Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones (Modon) will provide water and sanitation services, in addition to a fire brigade to be provided at a later date. The site will be secured by the Eastern Province police.


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