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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Summer rains to continue in central and eastern regions

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) revealed that the summer rains witnessed in the central and eastern regions of Saudi Arabia were “unusual.”

Director General of Weather and Climate Forecast at NCM Hamza Koumi stated that this rainy weather is expected to continue over the coming period due to climatic changes and severe and extreme weather phenomena that are hitting the region and the world.

The NCM said that the rainy weather that affected the central and eastern regions is one of the unusual rainy conditions that occur during this period of summer.

Koumi said that the climatic records of the center’s monitoring stations have shown that the cities of the central and eastern regions have recorded varying amounts of rain since 1993.

The amount of rain in the city of Riyadh on Sunday reached about 26.6 mm, he said.


Saudi Gazette

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