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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Students taking photos of teachers to be barred from class

Students will be barred from attending classes for a maximum period of one month if they are found involved in taking photographs of male and female teachers without their knowledge.

The students who face this disciplinary action can also be assigned to perform voluntary social work and that will be under the supervision of the Education Department after obtaining the approval of their guardian.

Behavior disorders and violations of students have been divided into six degrees of breaches in accordance with their severity and impact.

  • The first-degree breaches include improper conduct during the morning assembly and not wearing uniform
  • The second-degree breaches include inciting mayhem in school or skipping classes and the like.
  • The third-degree violations are related to immoral conduct, negligence in the performance of obligatory prayer as well as taking part in quarrels.
  • The fourth-degree breaches include intentionally injuring a student, smoking inside the school and bullying.
  • The fifth-degree breaches include possession of weapons and sharp tools, threatening school teachers or administrators or photographing them without their knowledge.
  • The sixth-degree breaches include mocking some of the rituals of Islam or be involved in cybercrimes or assaulting school staffers including teachers and administrators.

The ministry stated in the code that the school administration could summon the competent security authorities in case of necessity, after proving the breaches perpetrated by any of the students.


Saudi Gazette

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