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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Strict penalties for violating Antiquities and Museum Laws

The Antiquities, Museums and Architectural Heritage Law has set penalties for violators reaching up to three years imprisonment and fines of up to SR300,000.

The regulation punishes anyone who unlawfully seizes an antiquity owned by the state with imprisonment of at least 6 months and a fine of at least SR50,000, or one of these two.

Anyone who encroaches on an antiquity, an archaeological site, or an urban heritage site shall face imprisonment of no less than three months and a fine of at least SR20,000, or one of the two.

Anyone who creates a duplicate or a counterfeit claiming it to be an original shall face imprisonment not exceeding two years and a fine not exceeding SR200,000.

Anyone who changes a building or an urban heritage site, or conducts in the surrounding environment an encroachment that leads to damage shall face imprisonment not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding SR100,000.

As to those who own antiquities, the regulation affirmed that whoever did not submit to the ministry a statement of ownership or license shall be punished with a fine not exceeding SR50,000.


Saudi Gazette
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