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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: SR1mn fine, 10-year jail for forced beggary, labor

Forced labor and beggary are crimes related to human trafficking and are punishable by a maximum of 10-year imprisonment or a financial penalty of a maximum of SR1 million or both, Saudi Arabia’s Public Prosecution has said.

This is according to Articles II and III of the Law on Combating Human Trafficking Crimes, it said in a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Saturday.

The Public Prosecution affirmed that the punishment is in conformity with the basic principles of Shariah law according to which the Kingdom is governed. These laws, it said, are meant to protect human rights. “The Kingdom is harnessing all its human and material potentials to achieve this lofty and noble goal,” the statement said.

Among the measures taken by the Kingdom in this regard are: Enacting legislations and laws regulating the rights and duties of expatriates and workers, enacting penal laws ensuring the protection of any person from falling victim to the crime of “trafficking in persons”, and determining deterrent punishment for those committing these crimes. It also includes the system to combat crimes of trafficking in persons. This is in solidarity with international partners to tackle all forms of trafficking and exploitation of persons in any form.

The Public Prosecution explained that it seeks to ensure rights and guarantees for victims of “trafficking in persons” crimes.


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