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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Showers of Hail Spread White Blanket on Mountains and Farms in Al-Baha Region

The mountains, farms and roads of many governorates, towns and village centres in the southern Al-Baha region were covered with a white blanket following the fall of large amounts of hail accompanied by heavy rains, mainly in the Aqiq governorate.

Families were seen stopping their vehicles on the sides of the roads to watch the abundant water flowing between the region’s towering mountains, while the sound of the roaring water created the impression of an enchanting melody of nature. The local elderly people were seen competing with children with the hailstones collected in the palms of their hands.

Heavy rain and showers of hail were witnessed in several governorates of the region. Heavy rain flooded agricultural terraces with vast amounts of water. A green carpet spread as far as the eye could see, and its beauty was enhanced by the hail that covered the area in a white robe.

Waterfalls from the high peaks and valleys added to the beauty of the highly picturesque scenery in the region.


Saudi Gazette

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