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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi: Several Government Officials Among Those Arrested Over Corruption

The Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) announced on Tuesday the arrest of several government officials, as well as citizens and expatriates who were accused of corruption charges involving millions of riyals. The charges against them included crimes of bribery, abuse of influence and power, money laundering and forgery. Procedures are underway to complete legal measures against them.

Explaining details of the cases, the Ministry of Interior stated that an expatriate was arrested for obtaining an amount of SR6.6 million, in exchange for completing service procedures related to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for the change of profession of expatriate workers, and cancelling the final exit visa in an illegal manner.

Those arrested included director of self-resources, director of financial affairs in health affairs, director of maintenance and operation of a hospital, and an expatriate working as CEO of a commercial entity for presenting fictitious projects and awarding them to the entity, spending their value without implementing them on the ground, and sharing their value, which amounts to about SR1.41 million.

Multiple expatriates, businessmen, municipal employee, university employee, hospital officials were among those arrested.

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Saudi Gazette

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