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Saudi ArabiaHealth

Saudi sets up mechanism to prevent crowding

The Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing announced the setting up of waiting lists to prevent crowding at the entrances to restaurants or cafes, through prior booking via electronic or mobile phone applications.

The ministry called for installing and operating CCTV surveillance cameras and ensuring that all areas in restaurants and cafes are covered, measuring customers’ body temperature before allowing them into the restaurant or cafe, and barring customers having a high temperature or respiratory symptoms from entry.

If any person whose function is to provide food and beverage services, has symptoms similar to those of influenza, he should not be allowed to work or enter the facility until the symptoms disappear, according to a report from the treating physician.

The body temperature and contact information should be registered and saved in a special record, the ministry said.

The ministry has stressed that it is mandatory for customers to have the Tawakkalna application before entering restaurants and cafes.


Saudi Gazette

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