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Saudi Arabia

Saudi seizes 8.5 tons of spoiled meat and food

The supervisory teams of the Municipalities Agency in the Makkah Municipality announced that they had seized and destroyed more than 8.5 tons of meat and foodstuffs unfit for consumption.

The supervisory teams said that they seized this quantity during their field and inspection campaigns, which also resulted in the closure of 41 establishments that varied between food outlets, catering kitchens and restaurants.

They also indicated that they seized about 4.5 tons of meat and poultry of unknown source that appeared to be damaged and corrupted, as well as more than 4 tons of vegetables and various unsuitable foodstuffs.

The sudden inspection campaigns of the inspection teams on markets and random places also resulted in the monitoring of 4 tons of used furniture.

This is in addition to slapping violation notices to 21 facilities, which varied between kitchens, random slaughterhouses, food stores and warehouses.

The supervisory teams confirmed that they have implemented the statutory sanctions regulation in addition to the municipal penalties and fines against the violators.


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