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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Riyadh Police Arrests Pharmacist and Sales Representative for Attempting to Smuggle Narcotic Pills

The Criminal Investigation and Search Department of the Riyadh Region Police have arrested a pharmacist and a sales representative for promoting tablets subject to medical circulation regulations.

The Riyadh police stated that the two accused, who are residents of Egyptian nationality, work in a pharmacy with the professions of pharmacist and sales representative.

The suspects were arrested and the legal measures were taken against them. They were referred to the competent authority, the police confirmed.

This comes as a continuation of the security field’s efforts to confront narcotics.

The security agencies called on all citizens and residents to report any activities related to promoting or smuggling narcotics through calling 911 in the Makkah, Riyadh, and Al-Sharqiyah regions, and 999 in other regions of Saudi Arabia.

It has stated that the reports can also be made to the General Directorate of Narcotics Control (GDNC) via 995 and 995@gdnc.gov.sa.

The security agencies confirmed that all reports will be treated with complete confidentiality.


Saudi Gazette

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