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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Riyadh enters race to host World Expo 2030

Saudi Arabia today announced the capital city of Riyadh’s intention to bid for hosting the World Expo 2030 to the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), World Expo’s organizing body.

HRH Crown Prince highlighted that “the 2030 World Expo in Riyadh will coincide with the culmination of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.”

The Saudi Vision 2030 is a strategic framework to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism and was launched by HRH Crown Prince in 2016, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reports.

HRH the Crown Prince also said that “the World Expo 2030 will represent an extraordinary opportunity to share with the world our lessons from this unprecedented transformation.”

The letter was delivered in Paris to Dimitri Kerkentzes, Secretary-General of the BIE, by Fahd Al-Rasheed, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Commission for Riyadh City.

Expo 2030 will take place from October 1, 2030, to April 1, 2031. The theme proposed by Saudi Arabia is “The era of change: Leading the planet to a foresighted tomorrow.”



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