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EntertainmentSaudi Arabia

Saudi: ‘Rise of the Witches’, biggest series to be ever made in Kingdom

MBC STUDIOS announced the production of “Rise of the Witches”, the biggest TV series to be ever made in Saudi Arabia to date.

The top-budget fantasy-adventure is the biggest series to be ever produced with a homegrown Saudi cast, and holds the largest ever budget for special effects (SFX) for a Saudi production.

Supported by NEOM, the upcoming series is being filmed on three purpose-built studio sets, including Saudi Arabia’s biggest purpose-built backlots to date.

Based on the best-selling Saudi mythology books by Osamah Almuslim, the series – set in ancient Arabia – tells the story of an epic war between two rival witch covens, led by Afsaar and Da’ja’a.

“Rise of the Witches” features a predominantly Saudi cast, led by Ida AlKusay (Afsaar) and Sumaya Rida (Da’ja’a). The series is directed by Declan O’Dwyer and Craig Pickles, with production led by Dominic Barlow, and MBC GROUP’s Zeinab Abu Alsamh as Executive Producer


Saudi Gazette
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