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Saudi Arabia

Saudi reports 1,223 new cases, 3 deaths today

Saudi Arabia reported 1,223 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 17,522, the Ministry of Health announced on Sunday (April 26).

Meanwhile, the ministry reported 142 recoveries today, with total recoveries in the kingdom at 2,357. There are 115 cases in intensive care.

The ministry also confirmed 3 deaths, bringing the total number of deaths in the kingdom to 139.

Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz has ordered the partial lifting of a curfew imposed due to the new coronavirus across the country while keeping a 24-hour lockdown in the holy city of Mecca, the Saudi news agency SPA reported Sunday.

The partial lifting of the restriction started Sunday from 9AM until 5PM and will continue until May 14, the agency added.


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