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Saudi Arabia

Saudi records 65 new coronavirus infections

New COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia remained above the 50-mark for the fourth straight day on Tuesday with 65 new infections recorded over the past 24 hours.

New COVID cases in the Kingdom have been fluctuating around the 40-mark, with infections dipping below or rising slightly over the mark during the past weeks.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Health, 1 person has died due to complications caused by the virus over the past 24 hours.

This brings the total number of confirmed infections in the Kingdom to 550,369 and the virus-related fatalities to 8,856.

According to the ministry, a total of 82 people recovered over the past 24 hours, raising the total number of people free from the deadly virus to 539,636.

According to the ministry, among the active cases 33 of them were in critical condition.


Saudi Gazette

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