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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi: Prosecution probes into frauds of 10-member ATM scam gang

Saudi Arabia’s Public Prosecution announced that it is investigating the crimes of a 10-member gang of foreigners who are involved in defrauding several ATM users. An arrest warrant was issued against the members of the gang.

An official source at the Public Prosecution stated that its investigations revealed that the gang include 4 expatriates and 6 persons who are violators of the residency law.

The accused were defrauding ATM users by approaching them to help complete their banking procedures.

The source said that the fraudsters used their fraudulent methods to get the secret numbers of ATM users, and then exchange the bank cards of the victims without their knowledge. Then, the fraudsters reuse the card and steal the money in those bank accounts to spend it and transfer it to other defendants.

The source indicated that the investigation procedures against the accused will be completed, and then cases will be referred to the competent court, demanding severe penalties for them.


Saudi Gazette

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