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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Possible closure of Mosques due to spike in cases

A Saudi minister has announced the possible closure of mosques in the Kingdom due to the recent spike in Covid-19 cases.

As part of the latest Saudi measures to curb an increase in the coronavirus cases, the minister has directed to suspend in-present lectures in mosques and turn online.

Friday prayers

The time between the Adhan and performing the prayer is set at 10 minutes for all daily group prayers except for the Fajr (dawn) prayer, which is 20 minutes.

Mosques now open 10 minutes before the prayer and close 10 minutes after. For the Friday congregation prayers, mosques open 30 minutes before the Adhan and close 15 minutes after. The Friday sermon is set at a maximum of 15 minutes.

Worshippers are obliged to use personal prayer rugs in mosques, wear the protective face masks and observe social distancing.

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has urged worshippers to report any failures in implementing precautionary measures in the mosques via the hotline 1933.


Gulf News

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