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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Popular Jeddah market shut for COVID-19 violations

The Jeddah Municipality on Thursday closed the Bab Sharif Central Market after monitoring a large number of people at the market not complying with precautionary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The mayor of Al-Balad, Bassel Felemban, said field teams detected multiple violations such as market-goers not wearing masks along with workers, sellers and shoppers not adhering to social-distancing protocols.

Jeddah authorities have closed 121 commercial outlets for breaching COVID-19 restrictions.

The municipality has carried out 4,477 inspection tours of commercial centers and facilities, which have resulted in 257 violations related to overcrowding and the failure to effectively use the Tawakkalna app.

The Jeddah Municipality continues to urge people to help maintain public health by reporting any suspected COVID-19 violations to the 940 call center number.


Arab News

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