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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Popular catering company named and shamed for possessing spoiled food

The Saudi Ministry of Commerce has named and shamed a Mecca branch of a well-known catering company after it was convicted of possessing spoiled foods and products from unknown sources, local media reported.

The Ministry published the ruling issued by the Mecca Criminal Court, including a 30,000-riyal fine, confiscation and destruction of the seized products, and defamation by publishing the verdict in two newspapers at the facility’s expense.

The inspection teams raided the headquarters of the facility located in the Batha Quraish district, where the ministry seized products, including chicken, minced meat, vegetables and spices.

All spoiled foods were confiscated and destroyed, and accordingly, the inspection team transferred the violation to the concerned authorities to apply the statutory penalties in accordance with the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law and the Commercial Data System, Okaz reported.


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