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WorldSaudi Arabia

Saudi photographer wins award due to Google Maps error

Abdul Rahman Al-Baria, a Saudi photographer, won third place in the “The Palm in the Eyes of the World” competition for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Prize, which is in its 13th edition, with a shot of a palm and a silvery stream.

The contest had 1,064 photographs as entries from 363 photographers from 24 nations around the world.

Al-Baria explained that the winning shot was completely accidental, as he used the Google map to reach his destination in Hail, but an error on the map led him to a place called Iqdah. Taken aback by the beauty of the vista, he snapped a photo of a palm tree with a waterfall behind it, which he thought was worthy for the Khalifa bin Zayed Prize.


Saudi Gazette
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